onsdag 21. juni 2017

The striped dress - Take 4 with pink denim

The beauty of the capsule wardrobe is that you can combine almost everything, when you have found the perfect pieces in base color, neutrals and accent colors you re pretty much there. It can take a while before you're there and you might go through multiple purges in your wardrobe. I'm not quite there yet, but my wardrobe really functions as of today. It takes me just a couple of minutes from I walk into my wardrobe (which is a spare room in our house) until I'm out again fully dressed no matter what's on the agenda. This blogpost made by my guru Leanne White Blackmon was my way into the capsule wardrobe. How to start a capsule wardrobe.  This is basically my bible and Leanne also sells e-books where she suggests items and outfits for each season. I have not purchased an e-book myself, but if you're struggling to find your way I think it would be a great help to invest in an e-book about the subject. This post is not sponsored in any way and Leanne does not know I write this.

Det fantastiske med en slik basisgarderobe er at man kan mikse og matche stort sett alle plagg med hverandre. Når du har funnet de perfekte plaggene så er resten bare easy peasy. Det kan ta tid å finne de rette plaggene og du kan regne med at du må renske ut av klesskapet flere ganger. Denne bloggposten som jeg tilfeldigvis fant via Pinterest har blitt min bibel når det gjelder min basisgarderobe. Hvordan bygge opp en basisgarderobe  Leanne Black Whitmoon som har skrevet denne bloggen selger også e-bøker. Jeg har ikke en selv, men vet at mange som har prøvd dem er veldig fornøyde. Så om du sliter med å finne ut av det så kan en slik e-bok være en god investering. Dette innlegget er ikke på noen måte sponset og Leanne vet ingenting om at jeg skriver dette.

I had a lot of the clothes from before, and if you read some of my previous posts you will know that a lot of my clothes are years old. The most important when you build a capsule wardrobe is to decide which base color you want. I've chosen Navy and have packed away my black clothes, in the autumn I will start to make a autumn/winter capsule with black as my base color.

Dress - Lindex, sunglasses Lindex, pink denim - H&M, watch - Daniel Wellington all from this season
shoes- Stan Smith Adidas, bag - Mulberry, bunnies- homemade

The pink denim has been showed also here, here and here

Mange av plaggene hadde jeg jo fra før, og om dere har lest noen av mine tidligere innlegg så har dere sett at mye er flere år gammelt. Det viktigste er å finne basefargen, jeg har valgt marineblå nå for vår/sommer sesongen og alle min svarte klær er pakket bort. Min plan er at til høsten finner jeg dem fram igjen og lager en høst/vintergarderobe med dem.

 Even a supermodel has to relax sometimes.

A little bling

 And here's the one that got all kind of trash in the background. My photographer friend will no most likely kill me.

And here's the photo my hubby liked the best from this photo shoot.

Stay tuned, there's still one more outfit with the striped dress.

Until next time


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